214 research outputs found

    Learning Neural Implicit through Volume Rendering with Attentive Depth Fusion Priors

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    Learning neural implicit representations has achieved remarkable performance in 3D reconstruction from multi-view images. Current methods use volume rendering to render implicit representations into either RGB or depth images that are supervised by multi-view ground truth. However, rendering a view each time suffers from incomplete depth at holes and unawareness of occluded structures from the depth supervision, which severely affects the accuracy of geometry inference via volume rendering. To resolve this issue, we propose to learn neural implicit representations from multi-view RGBD images through volume rendering with an attentive depth fusion prior. Our prior allows neural networks to perceive coarse 3D structures from the Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF) fused from all depth images available for rendering. The TSDF enables accessing the missing depth at holes on one depth image and the occluded parts that are invisible from the current view. By introducing a novel attention mechanism, we allow neural networks to directly use the depth fusion prior with the inferred occupancy as the learned implicit function. Our attention mechanism works with either a one-time fused TSDF that represents a whole scene or an incrementally fused TSDF that represents a partial scene in the context of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Our evaluations on widely used benchmarks including synthetic and real-world scans show our superiority over the latest neural implicit methods. Project page: https://machineperceptionlab.github.io/Attentive_DF_Prior/Comment: NeurIPS 202

    3D Shape Completion with Multi-view Consistent Inference

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    3D shape completion is important to enable machines to perceive the complete geometry of objects from partial observations. To address this problem, view-based methods have been presented. These methods represent shapes as multiple depth images, which can be back-projected to yield corresponding 3D point clouds, and they perform shape completion by learning to complete each depth image using neural networks. While view-based methods lead to state-of-the-art results, they currently do not enforce geometric consistency among the completed views during the inference stage. To resolve this issue, we propose a multi-view consistent inference technique for 3D shape completion, which we express as an energy minimization problem including a data term and a regularization term. We formulate the regularization term as a consistency loss that encourages geometric consistency among multiple views, while the data term guarantees that the optimized views do not drift away too much from a learned shape descriptor. Experimental results demonstrate that our method completes shapes more accurately than previous techniques.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 2020 as oral presentatio

    Coordinate Quantized Neural Implicit Representations for Multi-view Reconstruction

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    In recent years, huge progress has been made on learning neural implicit representations from multi-view images for 3D reconstruction. As an additional input complementing coordinates, using sinusoidal functions as positional encodings plays a key role in revealing high frequency details with coordinate-based neural networks. However, high frequency positional encodings make the optimization unstable, which results in noisy reconstructions and artifacts in empty space. To resolve this issue in a general sense, we introduce to learn neural implicit representations with quantized coordinates, which reduces the uncertainty and ambiguity in the field during optimization. Instead of continuous coordinates, we discretize continuous coordinates into discrete coordinates using nearest interpolation among quantized coordinates which are obtained by discretizing the field in an extremely high resolution. We use discrete coordinates and their positional encodings to learn implicit functions through volume rendering. This significantly reduces the variations in the sample space, and triggers more multi-view consistency constraints on intersections of rays from different views, which enables to infer implicit function in a more effective way. Our quantized coordinates do not bring any computational burden, and can seamlessly work upon the latest methods. Our evaluations under the widely used benchmarks show our superiority over the state-of-the-art. Our code is available at https://github.com/MachinePerceptionLab/CQ-NIR.Comment: to be appeared at ICCV 202

    Learning Signed Distance Functions from Noisy 3D Point Clouds via Noise to Noise Mapping

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    Learning signed distance functions (SDFs) from 3D point clouds is an important task in 3D computer vision. However, without ground truth signed distances, point normals or clean point clouds, current methods still struggle from learning SDFs from noisy point clouds. To overcome this challenge, we propose to learn SDFs via a noise to noise mapping, which does not require any clean point cloud or ground truth supervision for training. Our novelty lies in the noise to noise mapping which can infer a highly accurate SDF of a single object or scene from its multiple or even single noisy point cloud observations. Our novel learning manner is supported by modern Lidar systems which capture multiple noisy observations per second. We achieve this by a novel loss which enables statistical reasoning on point clouds and maintains geometric consistency although point clouds are irregular, unordered and have no point correspondence among noisy observations. Our evaluation under the widely used benchmarks demonstrates our superiority over the state-of-the-art methods in surface reconstruction, point cloud denoising and upsampling. Our code, data, and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/mabaorui/Noise2NoiseMapping/Comment: To appear at ICML2023. Code and data are available at https://github.com/mabaorui/Noise2NoiseMapping

    Latent Partition Implicit with Surface Codes for 3D Representation

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    Deep implicit functions have shown remarkable shape modeling ability in various 3D computer vision tasks. One drawback is that it is hard for them to represent a 3D shape as multiple parts. Current solutions learn various primitives and blend the primitives directly in the spatial space, which still struggle to approximate the 3D shape accurately. To resolve this problem, we introduce a novel implicit representation to represent a single 3D shape as a set of parts in the latent space, towards both highly accurate and plausibly interpretable shape modeling. Our insight here is that both the part learning and the part blending can be conducted much easier in the latent space than in the spatial space. We name our method Latent Partition Implicit (LPI), because of its ability of casting the global shape modeling into multiple local part modeling, which partitions the global shape unity. LPI represents a shape as Signed Distance Functions (SDFs) using surface codes. Each surface code is a latent code representing a part whose center is on the surface, which enables us to flexibly employ intrinsic attributes of shapes or additional surface properties. Eventually, LPI can reconstruct both the shape and the parts on the shape, both of which are plausible meshes. LPI is a multi-level representation, which can partition a shape into different numbers of parts after training. LPI can be learned without ground truth signed distances, point normals or any supervision for part partition. LPI outperforms the latest methods under the widely used benchmarks in terms of reconstruction accuracy and modeling interpretability. Our code, data and models are available at https://github.com/chenchao15/LPI.Comment: 20pages,14figures. Accepted by ECCV 202

    Point2Sequence: Learning the Shape Representation of 3D Point Clouds with an Attention-based Sequence to Sequence Network

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    Exploring contextual information in the local region is important for shape understanding and analysis. Existing studies often employ hand-crafted or explicit ways to encode contextual information of local regions. However, it is hard to capture fine-grained contextual information in hand-crafted or explicit manners, such as the correlation between different areas in a local region, which limits the discriminative ability of learned features. To resolve this issue, we propose a novel deep learning model for 3D point clouds, named Point2Sequence, to learn 3D shape features by capturing fine-grained contextual information in a novel implicit way. Point2Sequence employs a novel sequence learning model for point clouds to capture the correlations by aggregating multi-scale areas of each local region with attention. Specifically, Point2Sequence first learns the feature of each area scale in a local region. Then, it captures the correlation between area scales in the process of aggregating all area scales using a recurrent neural network (RNN) based encoder-decoder structure, where an attention mechanism is proposed to highlight the importance of different area scales. Experimental results show that Point2Sequence achieves state-of-the-art performance in shape classification and segmentation tasks.Comment: To be published in AAAI 201
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